By |Published On: July 19, 2023|

The resource nationalistic policies adopted by resource-rich countries have aimed to ensure equitable benefits from mining activities. In pursuit of maximising domestic advantages, Tanzania implemented local content policies to boost citizen participation in the mining sector. However, the effectiveness of these policies, particularly at the community level, remains to be determined. To address this, HakiRasilimali in partnership with the International Peace Information Service (IPIS) conducted a study in Geita and Mara regions to assess the impact of local content regulations.

The study revealed that despite the policies, most locals still need help accessing job opportunities in large-scale mines. Additionally, local communities need help accessing profitable supply value chains within the mining sector. Moreover, there needs to be more understanding among community members regarding value addition.

A significant finding was the scepticism among respondents regarding the government’s efforts to enforce local content requirements on mining companies, indicating a need for improved oversight by the Mining Commission.

The study concludes that much progress is needed to fully realize local content development in Tanzania, especially for communities near mining operations. To instigate the necessary change, several recommendations have been proposed by researcher. Read more……